Purchase land for wildlife

Buff has partnered with Dots Eco and we have created items which allow our users the opportunity to also play a role in helping the environment. Our impacts include: planting trees, saving baby sea-turtles, offsetting carbon emissions, and cleaning the ocean

Why is it needed?

  1. In the last 40 years, humans have seen a 60% decline in the size of populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. 
  2. Ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest, the Colombian Andes, and Galapagos are home to thousands of unique and irreplaceable species. These are the most important places we need to protect now.
  3. Conserving wildlife is essential for a stable food chain. A species becoming extinct will affect thousands of others. Here is where Docs.eco comes in. 
  4. Birds, insects, and bees contribute significantly to food production. The conservation of these animals aids pollination. They are very relevant in crop production and ensuring the survival of native species as they rely on nectar from flowers
  5. Without animals, nature becomes nonexistent as ecosystems can no longer be sustained. Rebuilding wildlife populations adds stability to the climate with less extreme weather events, deeper soils, cleaner water, and a richer ocean.

Where is it done?

  1. North America
  2. South America
  3. Asia
  4. Africa

How does it work?

  1. Our organizations have a wide range of strategies to allow for the biggest impact when protecting wildlife.  Funding goes to:
    1. Expert scientists on threatened habitats guiding the process for land acquisition. All the lands are given to indigenous peoples who collaborate with local organizations towards land protection. 
    2. Natural resource management 
    3. Legal defense
    4. Public awareness
    5. Climate change mitigation so that indigenous peoples can sustain a healthy livelihood 
    6. Increase strategic plans for conservation
    7. Environmental research
    8. Sustainable development to protect areas from South America to Africa. 
    9. Education→ our organizations are committed to education in middle school and junior high school by creating curriculums with information on wildlife conservation
  2. Most organizations we work with primarily serve indigenous communities and provide them with the purchased land to protect their biodiversity, heritage, and culture. 
  3. Planning and implementation measures are conducted primarily by the beneficiaries as all program activities should strengthen the people themselves.

What environmental organization do we support?

  • This is My Earth (TIME)
  • Fundación Jocotoco
  • SalvaMontes
  • Rainforest fund

How do they prove their credibility?

Reporting:  Annual impact and project reports are released by the organizations we work with to have an overview of the numbers and projects they have worked on. 

Partners: Our partners also have renewed partners like National Geographic, The International Conservation Fund of Canada, and Re: wild to support their projects and mission.

Impact: Our partners have worked on eight biodiversity conservation, protection for 82 endangered species, preserved, purchased 1,592 hectares, and protected 29,116 hectares.

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Join forces with Buff and Dots Eco to become a hero for the environment. Dive into eco-friendly gaming experiences that plant trees, save baby sea turtles, offset carbon emissions, and clean the oceans. Your gaming actions can make a tangible difference!

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