Fortnite 5th Season Special Contest

We’re sure you’re pretty excited by the new Fortnite season.
So stay clutched, cause BUFF running a special Fortnite contest!
And we give away tons of V-Bucks!

It’s super simple, play Fortnite and earn as many BUFF points as you can,
The top 10 players will get awesome prizes.

The contest will last for 7 days:

Starting at 9.12 10:00 AM GMT
Ending at 15.12 23:59 PM GMT


13500 V-bucks

5000 V-bucks

2800 V-bucks

4 - 7 places

1000 V-bucks

8 - 10 places

250 BUFF points

Do you think you have what it takes to place in our Top 10?

Don't Miss This Special Offer:

Triple Welcome Bonus 90 Buff Points Instead of 30

Time Left: