How to Trade Your Dota Skins for CS:GO Skins (5 Simple Steps)

Looking to switch your inventory value from Dota to CS:GO? It's possible without selling and buying. Overhaul your inventory with this simple trading guide.

Writer for Buff, Remi Smith
By Remi Smith
Joel Taylor, editor for Buff
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published September 12, 2022.

Duplicate skins suck, and having a collection of skins for a game you no longer play can suck even more. Maybe you've got some Dota skins that you'd like to trade for some CS:GO skins, or you've got a collection of Team Fortress 2 skins you'd like to trade for Dota ones—or, maybe you just want a newer set of skins for the same game.

If you're keen to get started with trading, then you've come to the right guide!

1. Sign Up to a Trading Site/Log in to Your Account

You'll need to log in to a site that enables trading across games. is a great option, though their prices are slightly elevated.

You'll be asked to sign in with your Steam details to give the site access to your inventory—just make sure to set it to be seen by the public.

2. Navigate to the Trade Page

Head over to where you can see your inventory and the available items you can trade for. You should see the value of each item listed, allowing you to compare.

3. Select the Items You Want to Sell/Upgrade/Trade

When you've picked an item, the site will list it for other people to request trades.

4. Choose the Items You Want to Receive

Pick something of similar value, or you can trade multiple cheaper items for an expensive one, or vice versa.

5. Review (Accept/Reject) Trade Offers

Once you're happy with your trade, send the request and wait for the recipient to accept the trade. You might also get other requests for your item if your initial trade doesn't work out.

Trading is a great way to make sure you can take your hard-earned money from one game on your Steam account to another or overhaul the inventory you currently have! Additionally, take a look at our guide to selling your Dota skins on Steam.

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