How to Earn Cash Competing in Fortnite Tournaments: Entry Criteria & Fees

Writer for Buff, Remi Smith
By Remi Smith
Petar Milenkovic - Editor for Buff
Edited by Petar Milenkovic
Fact-check by Itai Guzik

Updated July 17, 2023.

The silhouette of person in front of a large LCD screen, displaying the Fortnite logo along with various in-game characters, against a red background.

Fortnite Season 5 is just around the corner, and with it comes the 5th FNCS, where EPIC has allocated a jaw-dropping $20 million to the competition.

The huge prize money this year also comes with even more competition as the championship is now officially cross-platform, meaning everyone on PC, mobile, and consoles will be competing for the same prize. And if competing in tournaments isn't your thing, there are other ways to make money by playing Fortnite.

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Important Considerations for Participants

There are many Fortnite tournaments for money with a lot of competition, so it's important to be prepared with the setup that suits you best for the competitive shooter. Familiarize yourself with the gun meta for the season, and get comfortable using and abusing the strats that pro players have discovered and shared.

Since the tournament is cross-platform, it's also important to find which platform works best for you. Each platform has its benefits—PC players have the option of extremely high framerates and the highest mobility potential, while console and mobile players have powerful aim-assist.

Here are some helpful tips for each platform:

  • Console: The latest consoles like the PS5 and Xbox series X have the potential to play at really high frame rates. Using a 144hz monitor and plugging in your controllers can dramatically boost how fast you can react to situations in-game.
  • Mobile: Mobile devices can connect to Bluetooth controllers, computer mice, and keyboards. Take advantage of whatever input you're comfortable with and make it your main input.
  • PC: Turning down your graphic settings can boost overall performance in Fortnite. Couple that with a high-res monitor with a very high refresh rate and you've got the smoothest potential for the game.

Entry Requirements

  • Certain tournaments have entry fees. Major official tournaments hosted by EPIC seem to be free to enter.
  • Some tournaments require you to have a partner for Duos matches or a full squad for the team tournaments.
  • You must be 13 years of age or older
  • You'll have to have a tax certificate for legal reasons when accepting prize money.
  • You must be on good terms with epic- no game violations.
  • Your account must be at least level 15
  • You must have 2-factor authentication tied to your account

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5 Pro Tips for Major Earnings

1. Understand & Follow the META

META stands for the most effective tactic available. This is always changing depending on updates and patches to the game. It's important to keep up with the building strategies, the best loot spots, and the best guns and equipment to use for every season.

When a season launches, get into arenas and normal BR and get up to speed with the new changes. Try out the new guns and find out what works best for you, and keep an eye out for what other people are using to beat you.

» Need a refresher? All the Fortnite game modes explained

2. Find a Partner

It's been announced that FNCS and related major tournaments are going to be Duos for the rest of 2022, but whether you're in duos or trios in a competitive tourney, you should be practicing with a set team or partner from early on, instead of consistently switching up the team you're playing alongside.

It's important to develop a dynamic with your team, to understand how they play, and to find a solid way to communicate with one another effectively.

3. Create a Schedule

Schedule times for you and your partner to practice—this way, you can make sure you get the practice you need for the tournament.

It's important that during this time you're jumping into games with 100% effort, and really use the time to improve your mechanics, reactions, and placement.

4. Find Your Main Drop-Spot

In the Fortnite BR map, there are good as well as bad places to land. Find the place that works for you and your team and land there. Consistently. Forever.

Well, maybe not forever. Have a backup landing spot that you are extremely comfortable with, in case your planned drop-spot ends up being a hot spot during a competitive match. But otherwise, you should totally be spending each game landing in one POI and mastering that area's peaks and covers.

5. Watch Your Previous Matches

It's a great idea to record and watch your matches or to navigate to your replays and watch them. This may seem like an underwhelming tip, but it's a tactic most pros do to improve their gameplay at a phenomenally faster rate than most other players.

Remember: you're watching your VODs so that you can pick up your mistakes from a spectator's eye. Formulate a way to get around those mistakes and apply that formula to your game, practicing to drill the new tactic into your muscle memory.

Feeling Ready to Enter a Fortnite Tournament And Take Them On?

Qualifiers for the FNCS kick off in early February 2023, so it's time to get the team together, practice, and prepare as much as you can. Apply maximum effort, stay cool, and focus on improvement, and you'll be ready to compete in official Fortnite championships in no time.

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