Can I trade in-game items from a Rocket League drop?

Asked 2 years ago

So I love the idea of being able to trade or sell in-game items with other Rocket League players. I got rewarded a few drops for completing weekly challenges and received decals, one or two items from Rocket Pass 1, and a blueprint, but I'm not willing to spend credits to build it. Does it matter that these items came from challenge drops, or can I still trade or sell them?

Lamont Meadows

Monday, August 15, 2022

Psyonix made a change to the crafting system when Epic bought the game, you can now trade in or combine 5 items from the same tier to get a new one, but they have to be from the same source: Tournament Items, Standard or Core items, and Blueprints. You cannot trade in any Limited (orange) items.

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